Diesel Motor Oils
Series Max-Duty Diesel Oils
Protect your investment in diesel power and confidently extend
drain intervals with our top-grade synthetic diesel oil. AMSOIL
Signature Series Max-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil delivers 6X more
wear protection, giving your diesel the extra protection it
deserves. Advanced synthetic technology provides excellent viscosity
control and outstanding extreme-temperature performance, while
minimizing oil consumption. The result: protection that’s boosted to
the max.
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100% Synthetic Diesel Oil
With rapidly rising new-vehicle pricing and the high cost of repairs,
drivers are keeping their vehicles on the road longer than ever.
Preventive maintenance that includes high-quality lubricants is key
for keeping vehicles safe and dependable for the long haul. AMSOIL
100% Synthetic High-Mileage Motor Oil is designed specifically for
the unique demands of high-mileage engines, helping extend the life
of your vehicle. It delivers purpose-built protection at a time in
your vehicle’s life where it could benefit from more-robust
maintenance. It cleans and protects engines with boosted detergency
and an additive package that fights oil breakdown and oil leaks.
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Premium Protection
use in both diesel and gasoline engines. Ideal for applications where
the extra protection of a higher-viscosity oil is desired. The higher
viscosity may help reduce motor oil consumption in equipment
experiencing higher than normal oil usage rates while running lower
viscosity lubricants.
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Heavy Duty Motor Oils
Heavy-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil
Formulated for Exceptional Diesel Engine Protection AMSOIL
Heavy-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil is formulated for
hard-working equipment. It is engineered to provide 4X
better wearprotection,1 giving you the edge to keep trucks
and equipment operating at peak performance. AMSOIL
Heavy-Duty Synthetic Diesel Oil offers outstanding value and
provides excellent protection for customers seeking an
upgrade over conventional, synthetic-blend or competing
synthetic diesel oils
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Heavy-Duty Diesel & Marine Motor Oil 15W-40
Engineered for
pre-2007 diesel engines in on-road applications as well as all model
year diesel engines in off-road applications. High 12 TBN controls acids
from combustion blow-by and EGR. Additives control soot thickening,
oxidation and wear. Extended drain capabilities reduce downtime and
motor oil expenses. AMSOIL Synthetic Heavy Duty Diesel & Marine Motor
Oil is a premium diesel oil providing excellent performance in all types
of diesel engines where highly effective control of wear and deposits is
vital. Engineered with heavy-duty dispersant/detergent additives, its
Total Base Number (TBN) of 12 neutralizes acids and controls soot
thickening from Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and blow-by to protect
against corrosion, cylinder bore polishing (wear) and varnish/sludge
deposits. AMSOIL 15W-40 Diesel Oil resists heat and breakdown better
than conventional petroleum oils for long-lasting performance and
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Commercial Grade Diesel
AMSOIL Commercial-Grade Diesel Oil is an
advanced synthetic-blend oil with greater than 50% synthetic content.
Specially engineered for commercial equipment, it provides 2X better
wear protection,1 helping you keep trucks and equipment operating at
peak performance. AMSOIL Commercial-Grade Diesel Oil provides
outstanding value and excellent protection for customers seeking an
upgrade over conventional diesel oils.
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Gasoline Motor Oils
What makes AMSOIL synthetic motor oils so good? The molecular uniformity and purity of synthetic oils allows them to protect and lubricate engines better and more efficiently than conventional oils in all operating conditions. Synthetics lubricate and protect quickly in cold temperatures, maintain a dependable lubricating film in normal operating temperatures and shield moving parts from damage and wear during high-stress, high-temperature operations. AMSOIL synthetic motor oils exceed the most demanding world-wide performance standards and meet warranty requirements for all domestic and imported motor vehicle engines.
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High Performance Oils AMSOIL High Performance Synthetic Motor Oils are specially formulated to operate in high-temperature/high-stress engines, such as those in sport utility vehicles, motor homes, pickup trucks and diesel-powered passenger vehicles. AMSOIL High Performance Synthetic Motor Oils provide maximum TBN and dispersant protection to control acid and soot in diesel engines. They also provide high levels of key anti-wear chemistries and have outstanding ability to maintain a dependable lubricating
film of protection in stressful operating conditions – like those experienced by sport utility vehicles, motor homes and pickup trucks.
Premium Protection
use in both diesel and gasoline engines. Ideal for applications where
the extra protection of a higher-viscosity oil is desired. The higher
viscosity may help reduce motor oil consumption in equipment
experiencing higher than normal oil usage rates while running lower
viscosity lubricants.
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Signature Series Motor Oils
Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil delivers
extraordinary lubrication in all types of automotive gasoline engines.
Combining the industry-premier synthetic technology with AMSOIL premium
additives, AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil exceeds the
higher performance demands of modern engines, withstanding the stress of
higher horsepower, higher heat and complicated emissions control
systems. Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is engineered to
outperform competitive conventional and synthetic motor oils and
delivers long-lasting performance and protection for up to
25,000-mile/one-year drain intervals.

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XL Motor Oils
XL Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oils provide better wear
control, high- and low-temperature protection and increased fuel
economy compared to conventional oils. Formulated with
extended-drain boost technology, AMSOIL XL Synthetic Motor Oils
provide superior performance for up to 10,000-miles/six months, or
longer when recommended in owner’s manuals or indicated by
electronic oil life monitoring systems.
OE Motor Oils
OE Synthetic Motor Oils help provide better wear control,
high- and low-temperature protection and increased fuel economy
compared to conventional oils. The oil drain interval
recommendations for many of today’s vehicles extend well beyond the
traditional 3,000-mile interval, some up to 12,000 miles with
electronic oil monitoring systems. AMSOIL OE Oils provide excellent
protection and performance for the entire length of the original
equipment manufacturer’s recommended drain interval.

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Oil and Air Filters
Ea Oil Filters
AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters offer the highest efficiency rating in the industry.
Their small synthetic nanofibers trap smaller particles and hold
more contaminants, resulting in lower restriction. AMSOIL EaO
Filters have a far greater capacity than competing filter lines.
When used in conjunction with AMSOIL Ea15K
Filters are guaranteed for up to 15,000 miles/one year, whichever
comes first, and EaO Filters are guaranteed for up to 25,000
miles/one year, whichever comes first, depending on application and
severity of service.
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WIX is
well-known around the world for its innovative filtration products
for the automotive and light truck market. Founded in 1939, the
Gastonia, N.C., company earned acclaim during World War II when it
created an oil filter out of a paper tube, wooden plugs and yarn
when steel was in short supply. In 1954 WIX created the
revolutionary spin-on oil filter that was eventually adopted as
original equipment on most vehicles.
Today WIX
manufactures some of the best oil, air, lube, cabin air, hydraulic,
fuel, crank case breather and transmission filtration products on
the market. The company is also widely known for its support of
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Donaldson Heavy-Duty Filters
AMSOIL offers
premium Donaldson oil, air, fuel, coolant and hydraulic filters for
diesel and heavy-duty applications. Donaldson Endurance™ Air
Filters with exclusive nanofiber technology and Donaldson Endurance
Oil Filters with premium advanced synthetic media technology deliver
significantly higher efficiency and capacity than conventional
filters, extending engine and filter life. P-Series oil and air
filters offer premium filtration at a competitive price, featuring
advanced media designed to trap wear-causing contaminants and extend
equipment life.
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AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filters
The Ea By-Pass Oil Filter provides the best possible filtration
protection against wear and oil degradation. Working in conjunction
with the engine’s full-flow oil filter, the AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter
operates by filtering oil on a “partial-flow” basis. It draws
approximately 10 percent of the oil pump’s capacity at any one time
and traps the extremely small, wear-causing contaminants that
full-flow filters can’t remove. The AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter utilizes a new high-efficiency
by-pass filter element that is also a soot removal device. These filters remove 39 percent of soot
contaminants less than one micron. Soot removal efficiency
increases approximately 10 to 14 percent
when the Ea By-Pass Filter
is used in conjunction with a standard full-flow filter.
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Single Remote By-Pass Filter

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Dual Remote By-Pass Filter

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By-Pass Filter Systems

The Ea By-Pass
Oil Filter (EaBP) provides the best possible filtration protection
against wear and oil degradation. Working in conjunction with the
engine’s full-flow oil filter, the AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter operates
by filtering oil on a “partial-flow” basis. It draws approximately
10 percent of the oil pump’s capacity at any one time and traps the
extremely small, wear-causing contaminants that full-flow filters
can’t remove. The AMSOIL Ea Bypass Filter typically filters all the
oil in the system several times an hour, so the engine continuously
receives analytically clean oil.
Learn More About By-Pass Systems
By-Pass Filters & Systems
By-Pass Filtration System
Application Guide
Antifreeze and Engine Coolant
AMSOIL Antifreeze & Coolant provide superior
heat transferee excellent protection against corrosion,
cylinder-liner cavitation,freezing and boil-over. They provide
maximum protection in extreme temperatures and operating conditions,
and they provide superior protection for aluminum, steel, cast iron,
copper, brass and solder alloys.

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Gear Lubes
Motor home
drivetrains are often subjected to severe-duty service such as heavy
loads, towing and extreme wind resistance. These severe-duty
extremes can generate high temperatures and pressures, which can
cause significant gear wear. AMSOIL Synthetic Gear Lubes afford
outstanding wear protection and extend gear life by protecting
critical parts from deposits and surface distress even in sustained
high-temperature service. AMSOIL Synthetic gear lubes help increase
fuel economy in motor homes by reducing friction far better than
petroleum gear lubes and offer outstanding rust and corrosion
protection for motor homes stored for long periods. Severe Gear
Synthetic EP Gear Lubes are specifically engineered for high demand
applications, including trailer towing and heavy hauling. Superior
lube film strength combined with extra additives protects gears and
bearings from scoring and wear. Severe Gear Lubes resist heat and
possess excellent cold flow properties.
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Transmission Fluids
Universal Automatic Transmission Fluid
AMSOIL Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)
exceeds the performance requirements for domestic and foreign automatic
transmission fluid applications. AMSOIL ATF provides automatic
transmissions, power steering units and hydraulic equipment with
excellent lubricating protection and better performance over a wider
temperature range than conventional automatic transmission fluids.
Power and
AMSOIL Synthetic ATF works as a powerful friction reducer, saving
fuel and maximizing performance. AMSOIL Synthetic ATF’s tough,
durable lubricating film and anti-wear additives protect components
from wear-promoting contact, even during high load operations.
AMSOIL Synthetic
ATF not only performs under extreme hot and cold conditions, it
inhibits excessive heat buildup, enhancing performance and
prolonging component life. AMSOIL ATF helps
prevent component overheating and ensures cooler, smoother
transmission operation.
Smooth Shift
provides smooth shifting and long, trouble-free transmission life.
In addition, the anti-wear additive package makes AMSOIL ATF an
excellent lubricant in other hydraulic systems.
Oxidation and
Thermal Degradation
All-Season Protection
Drain Intervals
Performance in Transmissions, Power Steering and Hydraulic
two times more oxidation resistant than conventional transmission
fluids, even under the toughest heavy towing and high temperature
conditions. It protects clutches, planetary gears, valves, pumps and
seals from damaging sludge and varnish deposits. AMSOIL ATF helps
keep components clean, ensuring long life and top performance.
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Torque-Drive™ Automatic
Transmission Fluid
Engineered to eliminate deficiencies common to all conventional
petroleum ATFs, AMSOIL Torque-Drive provides superior performance
and protection against thermal and oxidative degradation, sludge and
varnish formation, viscosity shear down, cold-temperature oil
thickening, poor friction stability, high component wear and
shortened oil life. Automatic transmission operating expenses can be
directly linked to transmission fluid quality. Poor-quality oils
need frequent changes and reduce the effective service life of
transmissions. Delivering maximum oxidation resistance, wear control
and friction performance, AMSOIL Torque-Drive extends lubricant life
and provides protection beyond that possible from conventional ATFs.
Immediate financial benefits are possible upon the installation of
AMSOIL Torque-Drive. Vehicles stay on the road longer, unnecessary
labor and maintenance costs are reduced, and the return on costly
transmission investments is maximized.
AMSOIL recommends
Torque-Drive® for use in all automatic transmissions requiring any
of the following specifications: Allison® TES 295, TES 389, C-4;
Voith® 55.6336.XX; ZF® TE-ML 14C; GM Dexron® III; Ford Mercon®;
Mercedes-Benz® 236.10
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Manual Synchromesh Transmission Fluid
Synthetic Synchromesh Transmission Fluid is a premium quality
synthetic lubricant designed to surpass the most demanding
lubrication requirements of manual transmissions and transaxles
where non-extreme pressure fluids are used. MTF protects gears and
bearings in extreme temperatures. It outperforms conventional oils
and delivers outstanding performance from -40°F to 300°F. It
maximizes energy efficiency and resists the effects of heat,
oxidation, sludge and varnish deposits. Unlike its mineral oil
counterparts, MTF prevents the thinning effects of mechanical shear
for stable viscosity, superior film strength and anti-wear
performance. It protects against rust, keeps seals soft for long
life, and is compatible with brass synchros for smooth synchromesh
shift quality.
Synchromesh Transmission Fluid is a higher quality, lower cost
replacement for multiple vehicle manufacturer branded products. This
premium synthetic formulation provides enhanced anti-wear
protection and lasts longer in service. MTF exceeds the performance
requirements of both manual transmissions and transaxles.
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Transmission and Transaxle Gear Lube
Synthetic Manual Transmission and Transaxle Gear Lube is a
premium blend of the finest synthetic base oils and advanced,
high-performance additives. It is formulated specifically for
maximum protection in the most demanding manual transmission and
transaxle applications where an extreme pressure GL-4 gear lube is
specified, including those where high horsepower/high torque engines
and towing or heavy loads increase transmission stress.
prevents the thinning effects of mechanical shear. It maintains its
viscosity and superior film strength for consistent, long-lasting
wear protection. MTG excels in hot and cold temperature extremes
that exceed the limits of conventional mineral oils. It protects
against rust, keeps seals soft for long life, and is compatible with
brass synchros for smooth synchromesh shift quality.
Ideal for NV-4500 Transmissions
MTG is a thermally stable, extreme pressure formulation that resists
heat, oxidation, acid build-up and varnish. It is the ideal gear
lube for high temperature applications, including the New Venture
NV-4500 transmission, which retains heat due to its cast iron
housing and is often
subjected to heavy loads and high torque from
turbo-diesel engines.
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Greased bearings
and linkages endure heavy loads on RVs. In addition, wheel bearings,
U-joints and suspension points are extremely susceptible to the harmful
effects of dirt, water and mud. AMSOIL Greases are
especially suited for all types of motor home applications. The tough
synthetic formulations provide outstanding protection against friction,
heat and wear, even in high-stress applications. AMSOIL synthetic
greases offer superior low-temperature pump ability, resistance to water
washout and thermal and oxidative stability.
AMSOIL Polymeric Truck, Chassis and
Equipment Grease delivers excellent wear protection and
extreme-pressure performance over extended service intervals in
medium- and heavy-duty applications.AMSOIL Multi-Purpose Grease is made for day-to-day
high-speed/high-temperature automotive applications.
AMSOIL Water Resistant Grease is
specially formulated for extra water washout resistance and
protection of components against the degrading effects of water,
such as rust.
AMSOIL Series 2000 Synthetic
Racing Grease is specially formulated for severe,
high-speed/high-temperature racing conditions. AMSOIL Spray Grease
effectively reduces friction and wear, keeping components running
clean and trouble-free for outstanding performance and long life.

Fuel Additives
Whether you’re
crawling up a steep mountain pass or merging into traffic on an
interstate, you need all the power you can get. AMSOIL Fuel Additives
can give your RV that added zip needed for critical moments. Use P.i.
Performance Improver, Series 2000 Octane Boost and Gasoline Stabilizer
for gasoline engines, Diesel Concentrate, Diesel Cold Flow Improver and
Cetane Boost for all diesel applications.
Diesel Injector Clean
Injector Clean (ADF/ADFP) removes performance-robbing deposits from
diesel fuel injectors to help restore horsepower and improve fuel
economy. It is formulated for all types of diesel engines, including
high-pressure common-rail designs. Diesel Injector Clean is
formulated to clean both the tough-to-remove internal diesel
injector deposits surfacing in modern high-pressure common-rail
diesel engines and traditional carbonaceous deposits. Unlike
all-in-one fuel additives that may sacrifice performance in specific
areas in the name of convenience, AMSOIL Diesel Injector Clean makes
no sacrifices; it is purpose-built for diesel owners who demand
maximum results.
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Cetane Boost
AMSOIL Cetane Boost improves diesel fuel quality to benefit all diesel engines, especially high performance designs. AMSOIL Cetane Boost reduces operating costs by increasing fuel economy up to two percent. It improves the spontaneous auto-ignition point of diesel fuel, shortening ignition lag time and providing more complete combustion for better performance, power and drivability. AMSOIL Cetane Boost improves diesel
engine performance, increasing cetane value by up to seven points.
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Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost Fuel Additive
Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost (ADS) combines the superior
detergency and improved lubricity of AMSOIL Diesel Injector Clean
and the increased horsepower and cetane of AMSOIL Cetane Boost in
one convenient package. Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost is
specially engineered to defend your engine and fuel system against
performance-robbing wear and deposits. Its concentrated formula
provides dependable protection in warm weather. One dose delivers
outstanding detergency, improved lubricity and higher cetane. It is
safe for use in all diesel fuels, including biodiesel.
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Diesel Cold
Flow Improver
Use with
AMSOIL Diesel Concentrate (ACF) to improve cold-weather performance in applications below
40°F. Lowers the cold filter plugging point by as much as 34°F and
decreases the need for #1 diesel fuel that is diluted with kerosene.
Contains jet-fuel-type deicer
to help prevent ice formation in fuels
that are contaminated with water.
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Diesel All-In-One Fuel Additive
Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost (ADS) combines the superior
detergency and improved lubricity of AMSOIL Diesel Injector Clean
and the increased horsepower and cetane of AMSOIL Cetane Boost in
one convenient package. Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost is
specially engineered to defend your engine and fuel system against
performance-robbing wear and deposits. Its concentrated formula
provides dependable protection in warm weather. One dose delivers
outstanding detergency, improved lubricity and higher cetane. It is
safe for use in all diesel fuels, including biodiesel.Diesel Cold
Flow and Diesel Cetane Boost in one convenient package
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Diesel Recovery
Recovery quickly dissolves gelled fuel, thaws frozen fuel filters
and reduces the need for a new filter, saving both money and an
inconvenient trip to a parts store. Performs well in all diesel
fuels, including
ULSD, off-road and biodiesel. Cheap insurance
against frozen fuel.
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Pi Performance Improver
Pi Performance Improver is the most potent gasoline additive
available today. As a concentrated detergent, it is unsurpassed in
cleaning combustion chamber deposits, intake valve deposits and port
fuel injector deposits, eliminating the need for expensive fuel
injector cleaning procedures. It is ideal for use prior to
emissions inspections, and it helps maintain peak engine efficiency,
fuel economy, power and drivability in newer low mileage engines.
In engines with accumulated deposits, PI provides improved
mileage up to 5.7%, reduced emissions, restored power and
performance, reduced need for higher octane fuel, reduced carbon rap
and pre-ignition, better drivability and smoother operation after
only one tank of gasoline.
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Series 2000 Octane Boost
Maximizes power and improves performance in all two-cycle and
four-cycle gasoline engines. Increases octane number up to seven
points. Reduces engine knock, improves ignition and engine response,
helps fuel burn cleaner and inhibits corrosion. Recommended for
off-road and racing use.
Helps fuel
burn cleaner
carbon deposits
engine knock
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Gasoline Stabilizer
Gasoline Stabilizer extending engine life and reducing operating
reduces the oxidation process that occurs when fuel is stored for
extended periods. It prevents the formation of varnish and sludge
which can clog injectors, stick floats and cause poor engine
performance. The treat rate is
one ounce with every 2.5 gallons of fuel. One bottle treats 40
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Upper Cylinder Lubricant Corrosion
engine’s top-end is sparsely lubricated and prone to the development
of performance-robbing deposits. It’s also highly susceptible to
corrosion, an issue compounded by the prevalence of ethanol in
today’s fuel. AMSOIL Upper Cylinder Lubricant is designed to solve
those issues. Its AMSOIL-exclusive, powerful formulation helps
maximize engine power and performance while increasing engine life.
And unlike competing fuel additives, AMSOIL Upper Cylinder Lubricant
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Oil for Generators
Engine dependability is vital to running a
profitable business, yet most small-engine oils we’ve tested
are nothing more than re-labeled automotive oils, which are
formulated with fuel economy in mind, not durability. That
won’t cut it. Compared to liquid-cooled automotive engines,
small engines run hotter; operate under constant load;
generate more oil-damaging contaminants; suffer from
neglected maintenance; and are exposed to dirt, rain, snow
and other extremes. Simply put, they’re far tougher on oil
that most people think.
AMSOIL Synthetic Small-Engine
Oil isn’t merely a rebadged automotive oil. Instead, we
designed it from the ground up specifically for small-engine
dependability. You can rest assured your engines are
protected even during periods of extended use when there’s
no time for scheduled maintenance. It’s built to solve the
problems that plague small engines, including wear, power
loss, oil consumption, harmful carbon deposits and stuck
rings and valves. It helps landscapers, contractors and
other professionals get more work done and save money.
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Car Care and Detailing Products
AMSOIL Car Care products are engineered to
help vehicles shine brighter. We put the same attention to
detail and commitment to quality into formulating our
car-care products as we do in designing high-tech AMSOIL
lubricants. The result: high-performing products that
deliver a superior car-care experience through advanced,
specialized formulations.
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Maintenance & Accessory Products
Power Foam
AMSOIL Power Foam improves starting and increases fuel efficiency. Power Foam penetrates and thoroughly cleans the engine’s intake system, freeing sticky valves, cleaning dirty spark plugs and removing gum, varnish and carbon deposits from exterior engine surfaces.
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Heavy-Duty Degreaser
Fast-Acting Equipment and Surface
AMSOIL Heavy-Duty Degreaser is
formulated with powerful and fast-acting solvents, attacking
petroleum-based grime on a molecular level to loosen its
hold on metal, concrete, engines and other surfaces. Its
active citrus formula makes cleaning easy and leaves a clean
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MP Metal Protector
Protector are easy-to-use spray-on
products that protect metal surfaces, displace water and silence
squeaks. MP cuts through rust and corrosion to restore free movement
of “frozen” hardware parts.
the product of choice for drying electrical and ignition systems and
protecting electrical equipment from freshwater and saltwater
damage. It contains no silicone.
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Heavy Duty Metal
Heavy Duty Metal Protector is
the product of choice for metal surfaces that require a heavy duty
lubricant or are exposed to the damaging effects of salt, moisture
or chemical corrosion. It is ideal for hinges, wire ropes and
springs, nuts and bolts, motorcycle or bicycle chains, and for
undercoating wheel wells and other metal surfaces exposed to water,
dirt or road salt.
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Silicon Spray
Perfect for
lubricating non-metallic surfaces that come into contact with metal,
nylon, cardboard,
fiberglass, wood or plastic surfaces. Use anywhere
a light-duty or silicone lubricant is required. Special non-staining
formula. USDA H-1 rated for incidental contact with food. Excellent
for waterproofing leather boots, shoes, jackets, suede, etc.
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Engine and
Transmission Flush
AMSOIL Engine and Transmission Flush
helps restore fuel economy, increase operating efficiency and reduce
emissions in gasoline and diesel engines, and automatic
transmissions. Its potent, detergent-based formula cleans sludge and
deposit build-up, promoting lower operating temperatures and reduced
oil consumption. AMSOIL Engine and Transmission Flush is safe on
parts and can be easily disposed of with waste oil.
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performance in auto/light-truck, high-performance, racing and
powersports applications. High-temperature stability, yet flows
easily at low temperatures. Helps keep water in suspension, slowing
its effects on the brake system. High boiling temperatures ensure
maximum life and reliable braking power.
all brake fluids
Universal Power Steering Fluid
Synthetic Universal Power Steering Fluid provides excellent wear
protection. Its synthetic formulation delivers better lubricity and
reduced friction, resulting in cooler operating temperatures, longer
component life and quieter operation. AMSOIL Power Steering Fluid is
formulated with a high viscosity index. Its low pour point ensures
immediate lubrication at startup and in cold temperatures, yet it
resists thermal breakdown and maintains maximum protection in high
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Application and Cross Reference Guides
Order AMSOIL oil and lubricants today and start experiencing the benefits of the best motor oil.
The AMSOIL Online Product Application Guide gives
you fast, easy access to vehicle data.
Our Online Product Application Guide is an interactive tool that
provides you with comprehensive information for all your lubricant,
air and oil filtration needs.
No other company offers you this type of access to product
application information and ordering convenience! The
Filter Cross Reference guide
will return the corresponding AMSOIL, Donaldson, MANN, and WIX
filter(s) for any manufacturer filter number. AMSOIL provides
filters for both Car/Light truck, Motorcycles, Powersports, Small
Engine, Vintage, and Heavy Duty applications. Be sure to print
out your vehicle information and save in a convenient location for
future reference. Scan the code to go to the mobile version on the
Online Product Application Guide or go to mobile.syntheticoils.us

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