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Series 2000 Octane Booster

Product Code: AOB 

Maximizes power and improves performance in all two-cycle and four-cycle gasoline engines. Increases octane number up to seven points. Reduces engine knock, improves ignition and engine response, helps fuel burn cleaner and inhibits corrosion. Recommended for off-road and racing use.

Data Sheet

Package sizes include:

  • 12-oz. Bottle

AMSOIL Series 2000 Octane Boost improves the performance of all two-cycle and four-cycle gasoline-fueled engines. Just one treatment significantly increases engine response and power.

AMSOIL Octane Boost reduces engine knock, improves ignition and helps fuel burn cleaner.

AMSOIL Octane Boost is the recommended octane boost for all high-performance off-road and racing applications.

Most users will find one 12-ounce bottle of AMSOIL Octane Boost for 15 gallons of gasoline provides the ideal performance increase.

AMSOIL Octane Boost is also excellent as a lead substitute at same treat rates in collector automobiles, older off-road equipment and pleasure vehicles.

Performance Features

  • Improves performance
  • Maximizes power
  • Improves ignition
  • Helps fuel burn cleaner
  • Removes carbon deposits
  • Reduces engine knock
  • Improves responsiveness

What does octane number mean? Why does it matter?

The tendency of a hydrocarbon fuel, such as gasoline, to knock is measured by its octane number. Lower numbers denote a greater knock tendency; higher numbers denote greater knock control. Knock is an uncontrolled and explosive ignition of fuel in the combustion chamber. It causes a knocking or pinging sound, robs the engine of power and, left unchecked, causes serious engine damage. Knock may be eliminated with the appropriate octane number.



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