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Can I use AMSOIL synthetic motorcycle oil without voiding my motorcycle’s warranty?

Yes. Using AMSOIL synthetic motorcycle oil has no effect on motorcycle warranties. A federal law called the Magnuson-Moss Act (1975) prevents original equipment manufacturers from putting conditions on warranties attached to any product or service identified by brand, trade or corporate name, unless the manufacturer provides that product or service free of charge. This means consumers have the freedom to use aftermarket products of their choice without fear of losing the original limited or implied warranty. For additional information, visit Warranty Secure, or contact the AMSOIL Technical Department at (715) 399-TECH (8324) or tech@amsoil.com. 


Will extending oil drain intervals void my motorcycle’s warranty?

No. Extending oil change intervals will not void new motorcycle warranties. To affect the motorcycle warranty, it must be determined that the lubricant was directly responsible for the failure; if the oil didn’t cause the problem, the warranty cannot be voided, regardless of brand or length of time in use. For additional information, visit Warranty Secure, or contact the AMSOIL Technical Department at (715) 399-TECH (8324) or tech@amsoil.com.

What AMSOIL motor oils are recommended for Harley-Davidson motorcycles?

AMSOIL 20W-50 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil and SAE 60 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil are the most commonly recommended oils for Harley-Davidson applications. Check the AMSOIL Motorcycle Product Lookup for specific recommendations.

What is the difference between Formula 4-Stroke® 10W-40 Synthetic Scooter Oil and 10W-40 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil?

AMSOIL 10W-40 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil contains a robust additive package designed for the extreme pressures and high temperatures common in motorcycle applications. Its high TBN retention also makes it the appropriate choice for extended drain intervals. In scooter applications, Formula 4-Stroke 10W-40 Synthetic Scooter Oil is the more economical choice.

What are the recommended AMSOIL transmission and primary chaincase lubricants for a Harley-Davidson Big Twin?

For the newer Big Twins, AMSOIL recommends 20W-50 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil (MCV) in the engine, transmission and primary chaincase. As secondary recommendations, Synthetic V-Twin Transmission Fluid (MVT) may be used in the transmission, and Synthetic V-Twin Primary Fluid (MVP) may be used in the primary chaincase. In older Harleys such as Knuckleheads, Panheads and Shovelheads, AMSOIL recommends SAE 60 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil (MCS).

What is the recommended AMSOIL transmission and primary chaincase lubricant for a Harley-Davidson Sportster?

AMSOIL recommends 20W- 50 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil (MCV) for Harley-Davidson Sportster engines, transmissions and primary chaincases.

Are AMSOIL synthetic motorcycle oils wet-clutch compatible?

Yes. AMSOIL synthetic motorcycle oils meet JASO MA2 friction requirements for use in wet-clutch applications.

Is AMSOIL Synthetic Chaincase & Gear Oil (TCC) acceptable to use in the primary chaincase of a Harley-Davidson Big Twin?

AMSOIL Synthetic Chaincase & Gear Oil (TCC) does not have the correct viscosity for use in Harley- Davidson primary chaincases, and is not recommended for these applications. AMSOIL 20W-50 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil (MCV) is the primary recommendation for Harley- Davidson primary chaincases. The secondary recommendation is AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Primary Fluid (MVP).

How can AMSOIL recommend 20W- 50 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil for use in the primary chaincases and transmissions of certain motorcycles?

AMSOIL 20W- 50 Synthetic Motorcycle Oil (MCV)  is engineered with premium additive packages specifically designed to provide high performance in motorcycle engines, transmissions and primary chaincases. However, if a customer does not want to use it in all three sumps, AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Transmission Fluid (MVT) and Synthetic V-Twin Primary Fluid (MVP) are secondary recommendations.

What is the oil change interval for AMSOIL synthetic motorcycle oils?

AMSOIL synthetic motorcycle oils are engineered to provide outstanding protection for up to twice the manufacturer’s recommended change interval or one year, whichever comes first. Unless using an AMSOIL Ea Motorcycle Oil Filter, change the filter based on the manufacturer’s recommended interval. For Big Twin Harley-Davidson transmissions, follow the Harley-Davidson recommended drain interval for synthetic oil up to 20,000 miles or one year, whichever comes first.

Are AMSOIL synthetic motorcycle oils different from AMSOIL synthetic automotive oils?

Yes. In addition to withstanding extreme pressure, protecting against rust and withstanding high temperatures, motorcycle oils must be compatible with wet clutches. AMSOIL synthetic motorcycle oils are designed to meet the unique frictional requirements necessary for wet-clutch compatibility and provide maximum protection and performance in these applications.

Why does AMSOIL offer more than one viscosity motorcycle oil?

AMSOIL offers motorcycle oils in different viscosities to accommodate the differences between motorcycle models and manufacturers. Just as in automotive applications, motorcycle engines require specific oil viscosities for optimal performance and protection based on the components and tolerances in the engine. Check the AMSOIL Motorcycle Product Lookup for specific recommendations.

What is the recommended AMSOIL lubricant for Victory and 2013 and newer Indian motorcycles?

AMSOIL recommends 20W-40 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil (MVI) for all Victory and 2013 and newer Indian motorcycles, excluding the Scout (which requires 15W-60 engine oil).





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