Product Code: SEF |
Engine dependability is vital to running a profitable business, yet
most small-engine oils we've tested are nothing more than relabeled
automotive oils, which are formulated with fuel economy in mind, not
durability. That won't cut it. Compared to liquid-cooled automotive
engines, small engines run hotter; operate under constant load;
generate more oil-damaging contaminants; suffer from neglected
maintenance; and are exposed to dirt, rain, snow and other extremes.
Simply put, they're far tougher on oil that most people think.
AMSOIL Synthetic Small-Engine Oil isn't merely a rebadged
automotive oil. Instead, we designed it from the ground up
specifically for small-engine dependability. You can rest assured
your engines are protected even during periods of extended use when
there's no time for scheduled maintenance. It's built to solve the
problems that plague small engines, including wear, power loss, oil
consumption, harmful carbon deposits and stuck rings and valves. It
helps landscapers, contractors and other professionals get more work
done and save money.
Package sizes include:
Applications AMSOIL Synthetic Small-Engine Oil is
multifunctional and can be used in gasoline engines, off-road diesel
engines and certain transmissions. It doesn’t contain friction
modifiers and meets JASO wet-clutch standards. It increases
convenience and helps prevent misapplication. Use the appropriate
viscosity of AMSOIL Synthetic Small-Engine Oil in applications that
require any of the following specifications:
API SL, SJ, SH, SG... (Gasoline)
API CD, CF (Diesel)
JASO MA/MA2 (Wet Clutch)d.
Use 5W-30 Synthetic Small-Engine Oil
in small engines found in (not limited to) snowblowers, generators,
power washers and other equipment that requires SAE 30 or 5W-30
motor oil, including those made by Briggs & Stratton,* Honda,*
Kohler,* Champion,* Generac,* Toro,* Ariens,* Troy Bilt,* John
Deere,* MTD* and Husqvarna.*
Use 10W-30 Synthetic Small-Engine Oil
in small engines found in (not limited to) mowers (zero-turn,
riding, stand-on, push), generators, power washers and other
equipment that requires SAE 30 or 10W-30 motor oil, including those
made by Briggs & Stratton, Honda, Kubota,* Kawasaki,* Kohler,
Tecumseh,* Robin,* Onan,* Wisconsin,* Powertrain,* Yanmar,* Linamar*
and Vanguard.*
Use 10W-40 Synthetic Small-Engine Oil
in small engines found in (not limited to) mowers (zero-turn,
riding, stand-on, push), generators, power washers and other
equipment that requires SAE 10W-40 or 15W-40 motor oil, including
those made by Kubota, Kawasaki, Robin, Onan, Linamar and Vanguard.
Use 15W-50 Synthetic Small-Engine Oil
in small engines found in (not limited to) mowers (zero-turn,
riding, stand-on, push), generators, power washers and other
equipment that requires SAE 50, 10W-50 or 15W-50 motor oil. |