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Fuel Additives

Product Code: API
P.i. Performance Improver Gasoline
AMSOIL P.i. is a potent gasoline performance improver with
concentrated detergent that aggressively cleans stubborn,
power-robbing deposits from injectors, valves and the combustion
chamber. Effective in port and direct injection systems. Bottle
compatible with capless fuel systems. Cleans entire fuel system in
one tank of gasoline. For use with cars and trucks. Treats up to 30
gallons. Add entire bottle to tank at fill-up. For best results,
clean your fuel system with P.i. every 4,000 miles (6,400 km). Do
not use with diesel or two-stroke engines.
- Restores up to 14% horsepower1
- Restores GDI fuel injectors to 100%
flow rate after one tank of fuel2
- Improves fuel economy
- Reduces need for costly higher-octane
- Helps prevent carbon rap
- Controls pre-ignition knock
- Compatible with capless fuel systems
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1Based on third-party testing in a 2016
Chevrolet* Silverado* 1500, 5.3L V-8 GDI with 100,616 miles,
using one tank treated with AMSOIL P.i. Actual results may vary.
2ASTM D5598(M) – 2013 Buick Regal test vehicle.

Product Code: UCL
Upper Cylinder Lubricant Corrosion Inhibitor
Your engine's top-end is sparsely lubricated and prone to the
development of performance-robbing deposits. It's also highly
susceptible to corrosion, an issue compounded by the prevalence of
ethanol in today's fuel. AMSOIL Upper Cylinder Lubricant is designed
to solve those issues. Its AMSOIL-exclusive, powerful formulation
helps maximize engine power and performance while increasing engine
life. And unlike competing fuel additives, AMSOIL Upper Cylinder
Lubricant works.
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Product Code: AST
Gasoline Stabilizer
Keeps fuel from deteriorating during storage for up to 12 months,
allowing easier startups. Resists the formation of varnish and gum
to keep fuel systems and storage tanks clean. Effective in
ethanol-blended fuel. Ideal for all two- and four-stroke engines,
including motorcycles, snowmobiles, boats, ATVs, edgers, tillers,
mowers, cars, trucks, snowblowers, chainsaws, generators and farm
and construction equipment.
- Helps keep fuel fresh up to 12 months
- Protects against varnish and gum
- Fights ethanol corrosion
- Ideal for stored seasonal equipment
such as snowmobiles, lawnmowers, motorcycles and boats
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Product Code: AOB
Octane Booster
power and improves performance in all two-cycle and four-cycle
gasoline engines. Increases octane number up to seven points.
Reduces engine knock, improves ignition and engine response, helps
fuel burn cleaner and inhibits corrosion. Recommended for off-road
and racing use.
Increases octane up to 4 numbers for improved
Maximizes power
Reduces engine knock
Improves ignition & responsiveness
Helps fuel burn more cleanly
Removes carbon deposits
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Product Code: AQS

Quickshot SE
Helps prevent water-induced ethanol separation and breakdown. Cleans
gummed/dirty injectors and carburetors. Cleans carbon deposits to
restore engine performance. Protects against formation of
gum/varnish buildup in tanks and fuel systems. Designed for use in
all two- and four-stroke gasoline-powered engines, including
motorcycles, snowmobiles, boats, ATVs/UTVs, edgers, tillers, mowers,
snowblowers, chainsaws, generators and farm/construction equipment.
One 8-oz. (236-ml) bottle treats up to 6 gallons (23 litres) for
cleanup and up to 12 gallons (45 litres) for continued protection.
For best protection, use with every tank.
- Cleans
powersports fuel systems
- Addresses
ethanol-related performance issues
- Stabilizes
fuel during short-term
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Product Code: MOB

Motorcycle Octane Booster
AMSOIL Motorcycle Octane Boost increases octane for power and
efficiency. It is designed to improve startup performance and
eliminate engine ping and knock for increased power at low-rpm
operation. Motorcycle Octane Boost contains detergents that help
combustion chambers and fuel delivery systems maintain cleanliness
for optimum performance. At the recommended treat rate, it does not
harm catalytic converters or oxygen sensors and is compatible with
all other AMSOIL fuel additives.
- Increases octane up to three numbers
- Maximizes power & performance
- Helps eliminate engine knock & ping
- Cleans harmful deposits
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