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Signature Series 10W-30 Motor Oil

The Next Generation in Motor Oil Technology 

Product Code: ATM

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is engineered to outperform conventional and synthetic motor oils. It combines industry-premier synthetic technology with AMSOIL premium additives in a unique formulation that exceeds the higher performance demands of modern engines. Signature Series delivers the performance and value upon which the AMSOIL reputation is built. The culmination of more than 40 years of expertise, its exclusive formulation raises the bar for motor oil performance.

Data Sheet

Package sizes include:

  • Quart Bottle
  • 1-Gallon Bottle
  • 55-Gallon Drum
  • 275-Gallon Tote

Protects Your Engine

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil provides outstanding anti-wear protection. It develops a strong fluid film that keeps metal surfaces separated while its robust anti-wear additives further reduce wear in metal-to-metal contact regions for maximum engine life. In the Sequence IIIG test, which is normally run for 100 hours, AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil delivered outstanding wear protection for the camshaft and lifters, even after doubling the test interval to 200 hours. For details, see the Double-Length Sequence IIIG Engine Test Technical Study.

Maximizes Fuel Economy

Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is designed to maximize energy efficiency for optimum fuel economy. Unlike conventional oils, its uniform molecular structure helps it flow more freely and reduce friction between metal surfaces. Anti-friction additives are included to further improve energy efficiency.

Extends Drain Intervals

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil can extend drain intervals far beyond those recommended for conventional oils. Its unique synthetic formulation and long-drain additive system are inherently stable to resist oxidation and neutralize acids over longer periods. Signature Series is designed to deliver outstanding engine protection, cleanliness and performance over extended drain intervals. It reduces vehicle maintenance and waste oil.

Keeps Pistons Clean

Excess piston deposits can lead to pre-ignition and engine knocking, which results in lost power, reduced fuel economy and, in severe cases, engine damage. Signature Series' premium additives and naturally high resistance to extreme heat help keep pistons clean for maximum engine performance. After a double-length, 200-hour Sequence IIIG engine test, Signature Series demonstrated outstanding cleanliness properties and shattered the requirements of a 100-hour test.

Excels in Extreme Temperatures

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil resists thermal (heat) breakdown better than conventional oils. It is heavily fortified with detergent and dispersant additives to help prevent sludge deposits and keep engines clean. And unlike conventional oils, Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil contains no wax, staying fluid in the coldest winter temperatures for easier starting, improved oil flow and reduced bearing wear. 

Reduces Oil Consumption and Emissions

Volatility (burn-off) occurs when oil gets hot, causing high oil consumption and emissions. Signature Series resists volatility better than other oils, helping reduce oil consumption and emissions.


AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is excellent for use in all types of gasoline-fueled vehicles. It is recommended for all domestic and foreign vehicles requiring any of the listed performance specifications:

API SN (Resource Conserving), SM; ILSAC GF-5, GF-4; ACEA A5/B5, A1/B1; GM LL-A-025, 6094M, 4718M; Ford WSS-M2C205-A; Chrysler MS-6395


AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is compatible with other conventional and synthetic motor oils. Mixing AMSOIL motor oils with other oils, however, will shorten the oil’s life expectancy and reduce its performance benefits. AMSOIL does not support extended drain intervals where oils have been mixed.

Aftermarket oil additives are not recommended for use with AMSOIL synthetic motor oils.

Service Life

  • Normal Service  Up to 25,000 miles, 700 hours of operation or one year, whichever comes first, in personal vehicles not operating under Severe Service.

  • Severe Service Up to 15,000 miles, 700 hours of operation or one year, whichever comes first.

Severe Service: Primarily short trips (less than 10 miles [16 km]); turbo/supercharged engines; commercial or fleet vehicles; excessive idling; first-time use of AMSOIL motor oil in a vehicle with more than 100,000 miles; frequent towing, hauling, plowing or driving in dusty conditions.

  • Modified engines (non-stock) and those using E85 fuel are excluded from extended drain recommendations.

  • Change at the vehicle manufacturer's recommended drain interval outside U.S. and Canada.

  • AMSOIL Ea Full-Flow Oil Filters are designed for extended change intervals. With other brands, do not exceed six months or 10,000 miles unless longer intervals are recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.

  • Check oil regularly to maintain proper fill levels.

AMSOIL Ea full-flow oil filters are designed for extended drain intervals. They stop smaller particles, flow more oil and last longer than regular filters. For best performance, use AMSOIL full-flow oil filters.

AMSOIL Product Warranty

AMSOIL products are backed by a Limited Liability Warranty.  Complete information


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