Car Truck Heavy-Duty Oil Filters

AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters
AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters have the best efficiency rating in the
industry. They also have significantly lower restriction
than conventional cellulose media filters. The small
synthetic nanofibers in AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters trap smaller
particles and hold more contaminants, resulting in lower
restriction. During the engine warm-up period, an Ea Oil
Filter allows the oil to flow through the filter at a colder
temperature than a typical cellulose filter. The additional
filtering time decreases engine wear. AMSOIL Ea15K
Filters are guaranteed for up to 15,000 miles/one year,
whichever comes first, and EaO Filters are guaranteed for up
to 25,000 miles/one year, whichever comes first, depending
on application and severity of service
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AMSOIL EaHeavy-Duty
Extended-Life OilFilters
AMSOIL Ea Heavy-Duty
Extended-Life Oil Filters (EaHD) provide excellent filtering
efficiency and high levels of contaminant capacity for
heavy-duty on- and off-road gasoline and diesel
applications. They provide extended service intervals that
coincide with the maximum drain interval recommendations of
AMSOIL synthetic motor oils (not to exceed one year),
increasing convenience and reducing maintenance costs. Ea
Heavy-Duty filters offer AMSOIL quality at competitive
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SDF88 Oil Filters
- Cellulose media designed for
OEM service intervals
- Designed specifically for Ford
6.0/6.4L diesel engines
- Replaces Ford FL2016, Donaldson
P550528 and WIX 57312
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AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filters
The Ea By-Pass Oil Filter provides the best possible filtration
protection against wear and oil degradation. Working in conjunction
with the engine’s full-flow oil filter, the AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter
operates by filtering oil on a “partial-flow” basis. It draws
approximately 10 percent of the oil pump’s capacity at any one time
and traps the extremely small, wear-causing contaminants that
full-flow filters can’t remove. The AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter utilizes a new high-efficiency
by-pass filter element that is also a soot removal device. These filters remove 39 percent of soot contaminants less than one micron. Soot removal efficiency
increases approximately 10 to 14 percent when the Ea By-Pass Filter
is used in conjunction with a standard full-flow filter.
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AMSOIL Dual Remote Oil Filtration
The AMSOIL Dual Remote Oil Filtration System
(BMK-23) combines the AMSOIL Ea Oil Filter and the Ea By-Pass Filter on a single mount that may be placed anywhere space allows in the engine compartment, for ease of serviceability. The Dual remote system increases the circulating oil
volume in the engine. That helps the oil stay cleaner and last longer,
and it helps regulate
engine temperature,
which promotes engine life.
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P-Series Lube Filters
engine emissions control and tighter tolerances within the
engine require high efficiency filters. Donaldson P-Series
filters are constructed with full synthetic or synthetic
blend media for high efficiency.
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Donaldson Blue Filters
with premium advanced synthetic media technology that results in
fibers that have a controlled size, shape & smaller fiber diameter.
Deliver both higher dirt holding capacity at the same pressure
differential and higher efficiency compared to conventional
cellulose filters.
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Oil filters from MANN-FILTER purify oil of
dirt and solid particles such as dust, abraded metal, carbon
deposits and soot particles. The filter housing is
pressure-resistant, protected against corrosion and features
a long-life elastomer seal. Use Part Number drop down to
select filter.
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WIX Oil Filter
Made with a full metal base plate for
superior strength at the double seal & also feature a
silicone anti-drainback valve. Glass-enhanced media in WIX
oil filters offers greater efficiency, capturing more 10 to
12 micron sized particles than other cellulose/synthetic
blend medias.
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