100% Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil

Product Code: MFF |
AMSOIL 15W-50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil provides
Indian and Victory riders the confidence and security that comes
with receiving maximum protection and performance for their bikes.
It presents a premium alternative to higher-priced
manufacturer-branded oils.
multi-functional and fulfills the requirements of both domestic and
foreign motorcycles. It outperforms other conventional and synthetic
motorcycle oils.
Package sizes include:
- Quart Bottle
- 1-Gallon Bottle
- 30-Gallon Drum
- 55-Gallon Drum
- 275-Gallon Tote
Reduces Friction, Heat and Wear
AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil is engineered to protect
critical components in high-heat conditions. It exceeds the standard
for high-temperature film strength to deliver excellent wear
protection (see graph) and contains a heavy treatment of anti-wear
additives to reduce wear regardless of operating conditions. AMSOIL
Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil is thermally (heat) stable and
contains maximum levels of oxidation-inhibitor additives. It is
extremely resistant to breakdown and is engineered to prevent
damaging sludge and carbon deposits for superior engine cleanliness.
Extreme Pressure Quality Protection for Gears and Chains
MCV, there is no need for separate transmission or primary chaincase
lubricants. It is absolutely shear stable and will not thin out from
mechanical activity. AMSOIL MCV performs like a gear lube without
the negative effects of extreme pressure additives. In the FZG gear
test, AMSOIL MCV achieved a perfect score with a "zero" wear rating
(see photo below).
Delivers Superior Rust Protection
AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil is engineered to protect
critical components in high-heat conditions. It exceeds the standard
for high-temperature film strength to deliver excellent wear
protection (see graph) and contains a heavy treatment of anti-wear
additives to reduce wear regardless of operating conditions. AMSOIL
Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil is thermally (heat) stable and
contains maximum levels of oxidation-inhibitor additives. It is
extremely resistant to breakdown and is engineered to prevent
damaging sludge and carbon deposits for superior engine cleanliness.
Excellent Wet Clutch Performance
Motorcycles are prone to rust from storage, humidity and short
drives. Rust can cause major damage, such as uncontrolled wear,
compression loss and blow-by. Good rust protection, however, comes
by design and is not natural to motor oils. Unlike many motorcycle
oils, AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil contains special
anti-rust agents, providing outstanding protection against rust and
corrosion. |
Delivers Superior Rust Protection
AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil is engineered to protect
critical components in high-heat conditions. It exceeds the standard
for high-temperature film strength to deliver excellent wear
protection (see graph) and contains a heavy treatment of anti-wear
additives to reduce wear regardless of operating conditions. AMSOIL
Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil is thermally (heat) stable and
contains maximum levels of oxidation-inhibitor additives. It is
extremely resistant to breakdown and is engineered to prevent
damaging sludge and carbon deposits for superior engine cleanliness.
Catalytic-Converter Compatible
AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil meets the requirements for
emission-system protection and is designed for use in motorcycles
with catalytic converters.
Provides Excellent Wet-Clutch Performance
AMSOIL Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil delivers the confidence of
quiet, smooth shifting and positive clutch engagement. It controls
heat and helps prevent slippage and glazing. |
Applications Use AMSOIL 15W-60 Synthetic
V-Twin Motorcycle Oil in motorcycles that require 15W-60
motorcycle and any of the specifications listed below, including
those made by Victory and Indian.
Service Life
For on-road use in engines and
transmissions: When paired with an AMSOIL Ea®
Motorcycle Oil Filter, AMSOIL 15W-60 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil
is capable of providing premium protection for up to 2X the
motorcycle manufacturer-recommended change interval or one year,
whichever comes first. Change other brand oil filters at standard
For off-road use in engines and
transmissions: Change AMSOIL 15W-60 Synthetic V-Twin
Motorcycle Oil at the standard motorcycle manufacturer-recommended
change interval.
For racing or in engines modified from the
original factory design: no change interval recommendation
is made; oil changes are at the owner's discretion.