The Ea By-Pass Oil Filter (EaBP) provides the best possible
filtration protection against wear and oil degradation.
Working in conjunction with the engine full-flow oil
filter, the AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter operates by filtering
oil on a partial-flowï basis.
Engine wear is caused by dirt particles of about 5 microns.
By-pass filtration removes particles less than one micron or
larger, virtually eliminating engine wear. Filters all of
the oil in a 6 quart system in about 5 minutes. Without
bypass filter element - 1 required. For use with EaBP90,
EaBP100 or EaBP110 Element.
Links two AMSOIL By-Pass Filter Elements together for
engines with sump capacities greater than 20 quarts.
Includes Flow Restrictor without hardware, hoses or filter
elements - 2 required. For use with EaBP90, EaBP100 or
EaBP110 Element.
For heavy-duty by-pass applications. Featuring the same
synthetic nanofiber media as the rest of the Ea By-Pass
Filter family. Filter and hose not included with the
BMK30 kit. The EaBP120 Filter and hose (BP250) must be
purchased separately.